Common Name: White-bellied Sea-eagle
Scientific Name: Haliaeetus leucogaster
Identification: White on the head, rump and underparts and dark grey on the back and wings. Lead blue-grey hooked bill with a darker tip. The legs and feet are yellow or grey, with long black talons (claws). Males are 70–80 cm (28–32 in) and weigh 1.8–3 kg (4–6.6 lb). Females are slightly larger, at 80–90 cm (32–36 in) and 2.5–4.5 kg (5.5–10 lb).
Habitat: Found near costal areas.
Feeding: Feed on aquatic animals. (Mostly fish and sea snakes)
Location: Bundala National park, Sri Lanka
Reference: Internet

Common Name: Changeable Hawk Eagle / Creasted Hawk Eagle / Ceylon Hawk Eagle
Scientific Name: Nisaetus cirrhatus
Identification: Whitish breast, flanks are streaked with dark brow. Both sexes are similar, but female slightly larger than male.
Habitat: Occurring in woodland, although island forms prefer a higher tree density.
Feeding: large birds, reptiles (snakes and lizards) and frogs
Location: Bundala National Park

Common Name: Black-headed Ibis or Oriental White Ibis
Scientific Name: Threskiornis melanocephalus
Identification: The bald head, black neck and legs. thick down dusky yellow curved bill. Adults are typically 75 cm long and white-plumaged, with some greyer areas on the wings.Sexes are similar, but juveniles have whiter necks and a black bill.
Habitat: Occurs in marshy wetlands, inland and on the coast
Feeding: Various fish, frogs and other water creatures, as well as on insects
Location: Bundala National park, Sri Lanka
Reference: Internet

Common Name: Little Egret
Scientific Name: Egretta garzetta
Identification: Dark gape which extends well behind the eye. Long dagger-like bill is yellow in non breading and black in breading birds.
Habitat: Single and group are wide speed and common in a wide range of wetlands.
Feeding: Mainly aquatic insects
Location: Bundala National Park
Common Name: Grey Heron
Scientific Name: Ardea cinerea
Identification: Plumage is largely grey above, and off-white below. Adults have a white head with a broad black super-cilium and slender crest, while immatures have a dull grey head. It has a powerful, pinkish-yellow bill, which is brighter in breeding adults. It has a powerful, pinkish-yellow bill, which is brighter in breeding adults.
Habitat: Familiar bird of lakes, rivers, pans and also rocky coastlines where it is usually seen hunting in shallow water
Feeding: Fish, frogs, and insects
Location: Bundala National park, Sri Lanka

Common Name: Purple Heron
Scientific Name: Ardea purpurea
Identification: Tall (90-97cm). Plumage purplish-brown; long black crest; neck snakelike, white or cream with black line down the sides; bill yellow; legs and toes orange-yellow. Breast plumes pendulous in breeding adults. Genders look alike.
Habitat: Lakes, marshes, rivers, flooded fields
Feeding: Mainly on fish, but will also eat insects, amphibians, and occasionally shellfish, small mammals, reptiles and even small birds
Location: Bundala National park, Sri Lank

Common Name:Yellow-wattled Lapwing
Scientific Name: Vanellus malabaricus
Identification: Black cap with a white ring around it. Wattles on the face
Habitat: Found in dry stony and open grassland or scrub habitats. They are ground birds like other lapwings and plvers
Feeding: Feed on insects and invertebrates
Location: Bundala National park, Sri Lanka
Reference: Internet

Common Name: Red-wattled Lapwing
Scientific Name: Vanellus indicus
Identification: The wings and back are light brown with a purple sheen, but head and chest and front part of neck are black. Prominently white patch runs between these two colours, from belly and tail, flanking the neck to the sides of crown. Short tail is tipped black. A red fleshy wattle in front of each eye, black-tipped red bill, and the long legs are yellow.
Habitat: Usually seen in pairs or small groups not far from water but may form large flocks in the non-breeding season.
Feeding: Range of insects, snails and other invertebrates
Location: Bundala National Park and Padduka

Common Name: Oriental Darter or Indian Darter
Scientific Name: Anhinga melanogaster
Identification: About 80 cm tall. Very long neck. Has a white lateral neck stripe. The male is mainly glossy black with white streaking, but females and immature birds are brown.
Habitat: Clean fresh water in lakes and big rivers.
Feeding: Mainly fish but also other aquatic animals
Location: Bundala National park, Sri Lanka

Common Name: Green Bee-eater
Scientific Name: Merops Orientalis
Identification: A strong, sharp bill, fused front toes, A fine black line runs in front of and behind the eye,
Habitat: Found in grassland, thin scrub and forest often quite far from water
Feeding: Mainly insect eaters
Location: Udawalawa National park, Sri Lanka

Common Name: Black-winged Stilt or Common Stilt
Scientific Name: Himantopus himantopus
Identification: Adults are 33–36 cm long. They have long pink legs, a long thin black bill and are blackish above and white below, with a white head and neck with a varying amount of black.
Habitat: Marshes and swamps, shallow lake edges, riverbeds, flooded fields
Feeding: Aquatic invertebrate
Location: Bundala National Park

Common Name: White-breasted Waterhen
Scientific Name: Amaurornis phoenicurus
Identification: Clean white face, breast and belly
Habitat: Open marshes or even drains near busy roads. Widely distributed across South and Southeast Asia.
Feeding: Mainly on insects, spiders, grain, fish, worms and snails, and some parts, shoots and roots, of marsh plants.
Location: Padukka

Common Name: White-bellied Drongo
Scientific Name: Dicrurus caerulescens
Identification: Black upperparts, Slaty grey throat and breast, White belly and vent:
Habitat: Open forest and well-wooded habitats.
Feeding: Mostly on insects, takes sometimes small birds
Location: Piliyandala

Common Name: Little Cormorant
Scientific Name: Microcarbo niger
Identification: About 55 cm in length. Rectangular head profile and short bill are distinctions from the somewhat larger Indian Cormorant. Little Cormorant is mainly glossy black in the breeding season, with white head plumes and a whitish throat. The wing coverts are silvery, and it has a longish tail.
Habitat: Freshwater wetlands and on coasts.
Feeding: Feed on a wide variety of aquatic animals, from insects to fish.
Location: Bundala National park, Sri Lank

Common Name: Black-rumped Flameback or Red-backed Woodpecker
Scientific Name : Dinopium benghalense psarode
Identification: Golden yellow back, Paler wings, Black rump and tail, White underparts with dark chevron markings, Black throat, Whitish head, Black nape and throat, Grayish eye patch
Habitat: Open forest and cultivation
Feeding: includes insects
Location: Piliyandala